
Web Applications

Scalable Web - APPS (SaaS), Fast and Reliable. Support full customization and intergrations

IQ Framework

Οur 17 yrs hand writtern Framework is our flagship. Light and easy handles everything from your website CMS to your SaaS

Promotion Experts

Growth tactics with effective Techniques that Works. Social promotions, Viral strategies, Content Quality

Hybrid Website

Improving the User Experience (UX) and Increase click-through rate (CTRs)

E-shop Experts

We are the highest value provider of global services and technical expertise

IT Consulting

Professional advice to your startup. Support at every step and fast growth

WIQ In Numbers

20 Years
432 Customers
3 Deticated Servers
1.36M Lines of code


Web-IQ is a Certified company by ΕΕΤΤ providing web services in Greece since 2005.

Foundation for Research & Technology Hellas, is responsible for the operation and technical coordination of the .gr and .ελ

Leading webhosting provider and experienced datacenter operator in Germany, Hetzner offers professional hosting solutions.

Web hosting & Linux server control panel for both dedicated server and VPS management

Corporate software

At Web IQ, with our specialized knowledge and high level of training, we are able to fully automate all the simple daily activities of a business that require time and effort.
By developing custom applications tailored to the needs of each professional, we provide competitive benefits to maximize your business productivity.

Some of our clients